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篇名 性(別)規範的-辦企抗爭:A片事件的新聞-辭退分析
卷期 25
並列篇名 A Discourse Analysis on the Adult-Film Collective Viewing Event
作者 羅燦煐
頁次 169-208
關鍵字 意識型態爭霸女性主義父權制度色情品知識/權力ideological hegemonyfeminismpatriarchypornographygender / sexual nomrsknowledge / powerTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199703


本研究以意識型態爭霸與權力知識分析為理論基礎,採論述分析策略,檢視A片事件新聞論述中性(Jill)規範的意識型態抗爭。本研究分析中國時報及聯合報 有關A片的新開論述,以探討反對A片事件的主控論述及支持A片事件的當f立論述個別的意義構連結構與知識建構機制。本研究發現,A片事件的新聞論述,提供主控與對立論述在性(別)規範上的抗爭場域,呈現傳統父權與女性主義的意識型態爭霸動力。藉由學者專家的權力知識,輔以分類、納入、排除等建構機制,主控論述一方面以違法亂紀,傷風敗俗等論述,壓抑禁止A片事件,另一方面則積椏建構「性教育J'藉以排除色情批判與情慾關發議題,進而放�父權傳統中的女性性(別)規範;對立論述則一方面批判主控論述的道德法理論述,另一才面建構「性批判」論域,挑戰男性中心的色情文化,並提供女性主義身體情慾的多元論述,以鬆動傳統父榷的性(別)規範。


Based upon theoretical perspectives of Ideological hegemony and knowledge/power, this study employs discourse analysis to female coverage of the adult-film collective viewing event among female university students. In anal· yzing the articulation of meaning and the construction of knowledge in the news text, this study identifies the discursive hegemonic process of patriarchal vs. feminist ideology, as represented in ideological battle among the dam· inant, opposing and negotiating arguments regarding this collective viewing event. In the knowledge/power of the sexological expert, the dominant dis· course employs the knowledge construction mechanisms, including: classifica· tion, inclusion and exclusion, to demean and oppress this collective viewing event on one hand, and to reproduce patriarchal the other hand. Opposing discourse, on one hand, criticizes the moralist and legalist arguments of the dominate discourse, ont the other hand, constructs a variety of feminist per· spectives, including anti-pornography and anti·anti·pornography, to challenge the patriarchal gender/sexual norms.
