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篇名 月通識、另類現實觀與社會抗爭--1986香港JWM工潮中辯證及踐行的類幾何學
卷期 13
並列篇名 CommonSense,Alternative Conception of the WarId and Social Struggles:The Quasi-geometry of Dialectics and Praxis During JWM Sit-ins in Hong Kong, 1986
作者 丘延亮
頁次 109-135
關鍵字 勞工運動香港工運bar movementlabor movement in Hong KongTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199211


本文取材自作者博士論文“香港跨國企業工潮中的道德政治學:一個人類學個案研究\"中第九章第三節。該論文是對是次工潮的“多重體例言說\"(multigenre narratives)氏挨誌,一節的篇幅當然不足以表達其意涵;讀者如采 不願懸掛在純概念的層次、隔靴搔癢,可聯絡作者成唐山出版社,購閥詳細之論文放製本(論文部份目前暫僅有英文版本)。為了協助對本文的閱讀,文後附上特為本文制作的“JWM工潮大事記筒哀\"。這表純為方便本文讀者的助讀工具,絕能“代 "或“取代"任何一個言說(narrative),請讀者明鑑。每一個日子前的負號為“事件"前的計日,正號為事件後。文中括挽手里用這些為引得(index),供查對“大事簡哀\"之用。為保護研究對象,所有的人名、機構等名稱都係杜撰。


This article is drawn from the third section of the ninth chapter in the author's doctoral dissertation, "The Moral-Politcs Industrial conflict in Mutinational corporations located in Hong Kung一an Anthropological Case Study. The essay approaches the movement through a multi genre narrative ethnography. The article is not sufficient to convey the complete meaning of the study and if the reader is unwilling to remain at the conceptual level, she/he can get in touch with the author or Tang Shan books to obtain a copy of the complete thesis (which, at present is only available in English). To assIst the reader,! have appended the “Tabieof major events in the JMW affair." This table is only a tool to assist the reader and can in no way represent or replace any portion of the narrative. Please Keep this in mind as you read. Negative numbers refer to the number of days preceding the event unber considertion while positive numbers indicate the number of alapsed days since the event. These numbers in the text are employed as an index allowing the reader to check the table. In order to prpotect the research subjects, all names of persons and units have been changed.
