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篇名 從語言到生活:維根斯坦構成理論的發展與轉化
卷期 12
並列篇名 From Language to Life:Wittgenstein's Theory of Constitution and its Transformation
作者 錢永祥
頁次 117-140
關鍵字 維根斯坦構成文曲WittgensteinconstitutionWinchTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 199205




In this article Wittgenstein's philosophy is given a Kantian reading by elaborating the early and late phases of his development as two distinct theories of the constitution of objects_ Itis shown that whereas the early theory presupposes a solipsistic transcendental subject, in the later theory this is replaced by people sharing specific common practices_ Wittgenstein suggested "forms of life" to account for the possibility of understanding within each practice_ But it was Peter Winch who developed this notion further, claiming that they represent modes of human life from which human activities derive their coint"_With the concept of life emerging on the horizon, the problem of constitution as conceived by Kant could shed its traditional idealist shackle and be pursued from a more materialist premise instead.
