
選舉研究 TSSCI

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篇名 混合式選制下的投票思維:台灣與日本國會選舉變革經驗的比較
卷期 16:2
並列篇名 Voting Behavior under Mixed Electoral System:A Comparison between Taiwan and Japan during the Electoral Transition
作者 王鼎銘郭銘峰
頁次 101-130
關鍵字 混合式選制投票穩定與變遷一致與分裂投票台灣立法委員選舉日本眾議員選舉Mixed systemJapan House ElectionTaiwan Legislative Electionvoting stability and changestrait-and split-ticket votingTSSCI
出刊日期 200911


邇來以融合「單一選區多數決制」與「比例代表制」兩種選制精神的「混合式選制」(Mixed or Hybrid Systems),深受各界的重視。相關的研究除針對混合選制的內涵進行概念性界定與歸類,另外亦聚焦於該選制與多元社會的發展關連、與選民策略性分裂投票行為的連結、對既有選舉文化及政黨競爭策略的互動、甚或對政黨體系形塑的影響等。本文則是透過「日本選舉研究」(JES) 與「台灣選舉與民主化調查」(TEDS) 所彙整的個體層次民調資料,比較台日兩國分別從「單記非讓渡投票制」變革為「單一選區兩票並立制」後,選民投票思維乃至政黨體系發展等的差異。研究結果顯示,兩國選民在初次實踐新選制時的投票決策,甚或縱跨選制變革前後的動態投票轉移趨向,確實存在不同程度的差別。從選民一致分裂投票行為模式的橫斷面分析而言,新選制實行後主要政黨雖均獲兩票高度的一致支持,但台灣不僅國民及民進兩主要大黨獲得的


Mixed or Hybrid electoral system, a combination of single-member
district with plurality(SMD) and proportional representation(PR), has drawn a lot of attention from all over the world in the past few years. Recent studies have focused on its characters and classifications, its impact on the diversified social development, the connection with strategic voting behavior, the interaction with the campaign strategy and party competition,and the formulation of new party system. Based on the survey conducted by Japanese Election Study(JES) and Taiwanese Election and Democratization Study(TEDS), we compare the dynamic voting behaviors between Japan and Taiwan, since both of them follow the same routine of electoral transformation from SNTV to Mixed system.The results show there do have some difference, especially the ticketsplitting of the two ballots and the voting stability during system transition,between two countries. From the cross sectional data analysis, we find KMT and DPP received more consistent support in two separate ballots, comparing with the major parties in Japan. As for the panel data results, the onvergence to major parties is confirmed in both countries while the trend is more obvious in Taiwan once again. In short, we find the small parties in Taiwan have relative little room for competition, comparing with those in Japan,under new Mixed system. The formulation of two party system is quite noticeable in Taiwan.
