
課程與教學 TSSCI

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篇名 學校本位課程評鑑的視野─雲林縣學校優質轉型經驗的省思
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Perspectives on School-Based Curriculum Evaluation: Reflections on the Transformation of a Quality Elementary School in Yun-lin County in Central Taiwan
作者 歐用生
頁次 1-24
關鍵字 學校本位課程評鑑社會的評鑑社會認識論social epistemologysocial evaluationschool-based curriculum evaluationTSSCI
出刊日期 200901


學校本位課程評鑑應該是臺灣學校發展和改革的重要工作,但不是被忽視,就是執行上有偏差。其中最嚴重的問題是,偏重評鑑技術的運用,而忽略了歷史、社會和政治的視野,將課程實施成敗完全歸給被評鑑者,以此來擺脫政府和社會的責任,造成「譴責受害者」的現象。本研究強調學校本位課程評鑑的社會視野,採用「社會的評鑑」(Apple & Beyer, 1988)和「社會認識論」(Popkewitz, 1991, 2003)的觀點,來探討雲林縣一所農村小學的本位課程發展,以豐富課程評鑑的方法論。


Arguably school-based curriculum evaluation should be an important task in school development and reform in Taiwan. However, it has received little attention. If there is any curriculum evaluation at all, it has suffered high degrees of inadequacy, the most sever problems being an overemphasis on evaluation techniques while de-emphasizing the impact of historical, social, and political contexts on the curriculum. The school being evaluated tends to be forced to bear the full burden of the success or failure of curriculum implementation, without holding the government and society accountable at all, thus unduly sending a message that the victim is to blame.
This study was an attempt to assume a sociological perspective on school-based curriculum evaluation. Using Apple & Beyer’s (1988)social evaluation perspective and Popkewitz’s(1991, 2003)social epistemology perspective, this study investigated the school-based curriculum development in a rural elementary school in Yun-Lin County in central Taiwan with a view to providing a wider jperspective on curriculum evaluation methodology.
