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篇名 我國與東亞諸國總體生產效率與生產力之研究
卷期 37:4
並列篇名 A Study of Production Efficiency and the Rate of Total Factor Productivity Growth for Ten East Asian Countries
作者 黃台心陳盈秀王美惠
頁次 379-414
關鍵字 生產效率生產力總要素生產力產量彈性Production EfficiencyProductivityTotal Factor ProductivityOutput ElasticityEconLitTSSCI
出刊日期 200912


構產出成長率模型, 將人力資本與金融發展指標視為要素投入, 同
時考慮生產效率與生產力。利用估計的生產邊界函數, 分解總要素
生產力變動率成為三種成份, 探討主要決定因素。結果發現東亞10
國平均規模彈性為0.7933, 處於規模報酬遞減階段; 平均技術效率
顯示實際產出水準達到潛在產出水準的91%; 總要素生產力每年平
均以6.57%的速度衰退, 其中生產技術每年平均進步1.85%, 技術
效率平均每年惡化1.7%, 生產規模不當導致總要素生產力變動率
每年平均減少6.72%。樣本國家若欲提升總要素生產力變動率, 調
整生產規模至最適規模與改善生產效率為當務之急, 其次須鼓勵研
發, 加速技術進步率。個別國家以香港、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡
與台灣總要素生產力為正成長, 技術進步是主要動力。


This paper proposes a model of a stochastic frontier production function, in
which all variables are expressed in the form of growth rates and measures
of human capital and financial development are included as extra inputs,
to estimate production efficiency and the rate of total factor productivity
(TFP) change for ten East Asian countries during the period 1985–2003.
The TFP change is further decomposed into three components, i.e., technological
progress, changes in technical efficiency, and scale effects. Evidence
is found that on average the output elasticity of each input is positive, that
decreasing returns to scale prevails, and that the mean technical efficiency
is around 0.91. Evidence is also found that the average rate of TFP change
per annum is −6.57% and attains a minimum value of −17.81% during
the period of the Asian financial crisis. Moreover, technological progress
constitutes the main source of TFP growth, while the contribution of the
efficiency change and scale effect to TFP growth are both negative.
