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篇名 Unveiling the ECFA1 Mist
卷期 7
並列篇名 揭開ECFA 的面紗
作者 劉博文
頁次 85-104
關鍵字 ECFA ASEANWTOCEPAFTACross-StraitOne ChinaEarly harvestOpt out clauseSpill-over effectReferendum兩岸經濟框架協議退出條款早期收獲條款東協自由貿易協定
出刊日期 201003


透過協議中的所謂「早期收獲條款」,台灣可以取得一些立即的經貿優惠,用以解決當前最為急迫的經濟問題。對台灣而言相較於與中國大陸簽訂一個正式的自由貿易協定(FTA) ,在此一階段不如先將雙方已達成共識之基本原則及經貿架構,以所謂經濟框架協議的方式予以落實,未來再視情況逐步建立雙方的經貿互動機制。
台灣必須認知到 ECFA 所涵蓋的區域僅為兩岸市場,其簽訂並不能保證台灣未來可以與東協(ASEAN)簽訂自由貿易協定。其實從務實的角度來看,與其寄望於與ASEAN 簽訂自由貿易協定,台灣可以選擇數個雙邊經貿往來較為密切的東協會員國,個別與其簽訂自由貿易協定。
目前研議中於 ECFA 加入所謂的「退出條款」(Opt Out clause) , 雖然給予台灣在對方違約時的退場機制。然而ECFA 的簽訂將會對不同的產業領域造成所謂的「溢出效果」(Spill-over effect) ,最終會加速兩岸間的政治及經濟整合,屆時退出條款對於來勢汹汹的溢出效果無異於螳臂擋車。
雖然依法而言簽訂 ECFA 並不需要交付全民公投。然而基於其具有實質上政治影響以及台灣多元化民主社會等考量,台灣執政當局應該以更透明化的方式將ECFA 的內容及其潛在影響充分告知社會大衆。唯有充分的資訊揭露及討論才能凝聚社會共識,進而對症下藥形成足以解決ECFA 負面效應的公共政策。


Signing a cross-Strait economic framework agreement is important for
Taiwan for it not only can normalize its economic relations with the
Mainland but also boost the island state economic. On the other hand, the
proposed trade pact will also strengthen China’s economic power in the
region as well as to stabilize cross-Strait relations and spur both sides’
policy interactions. Both Taiwan and the Mainland must recognize the fact
that the proposed ECFA is but an agreement between two WTO members to
regulate their economic relations and that both sides should eliminate all
political overtones during negotiations in order to achieve a win-win
The proposed trade pact is a framework agreement with an Early Harvest feature which can provides Taiwan with some near-term solutions to deal with those most critical current economic issues. A framework agreement, although not a true FTA per se, is a better option for Taiwan for instead of rush into a deal that maybe pre-mature it simply lays out the general principles and structure of the cross-Strait economic integration for both parties to follow.
The proposed ECFA is a bilateral agreement between Taiwan and China which does not involve ASEAN and therefore it should not be viewed as an invitation for Taiwan to sign a future FTA with ASEAN. Instead of signing a FTA with the whole association, it might be more practical for Taiwan to negotiate FTAs with individual ASEAN countries that share mutual economic interests with Taipei.
The signing of ECFA will inevitably cause the “Spill-over effect” on
certain sectors which will further expedite the cross-Strait economic and
political integration and eventually change the status quo. An “Opt out” Clause, although gives Taiwan the right to terminate the proposed trade pact in case that Beijing has breached its contractual duties, will not change or slow down such spill-over effect once it has been initiated.
Despite it might not be legally required to hold a referendum on the proposed ECFA, nonetheless, taking its de facto political impact as well as the democratic nature of Taiwanese society into consideration, the administration must acting in a more transparent way in terms of fully disclose the contents and its potential impacts of the proposed ECFA. A
greater degree of public disclosure is the basis for building a national
consensus on the matter so that appropriate measurements can be adopted to
minimized the negative impacts that might caused by the trade pact.
