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篇名 應外系學生對中譯文流暢度判斷之探討
卷期 6
並列篇名 An Investigation of DAFL Students' Judgment of the Fluency Degree of English-Chinese Translation Texts
作者 卓志誠管秋雄
頁次 93-123
關鍵字 流暢程度英譯中外來成份應外系學生判斷Degree of fluencyEnglish-Chinese translationLinguistic borrowingStudents of department of applied foreign languageJudgment
出刊日期 200706


過去數十年來,英中譯文可說飽受有識之士抨擊與詬病。一則,有些譯文充滿怪異句子,難以卒讀;再則,一般讀者可能因長期閱讀中譯本,受其同化而不自知。有鑑於此,探討讀者是否能分辨譯文之順暢,或其是否已為譯文同化,深具學述之意義。本研究以30個英中譯文段落為素材,研究者所釐訂之四個順暢度,即非常順暢、順暢、不順暢、非常不順暢,為判斷標準,來探討應外系學生認為譯文之順暢程度為何,及學生對譯文的判斷是否適切。研究顯示30個英中譯文段落平均順暢程度為2.61。就順暢值大於2.61的17段而言,有5段順暢值大於3,以順暢值小於2.61的13段而言,有3段順暢值小於2。順暢值小於3的共有25段,佔83.3%。因此,整體而言,應外系學生認為所選的中譯文是不很順暢的。有關學生對譯文判斷的可信度而言,依研究者發現最高的兩段(3.77,3.47)譯文,與最低的兩段(1.54, 1.57)譯文,分別吻合研究者所界定之非常順暢及非常不順暢的條件。故應外系學生對譯文順暢度之判斷應屬適切。


English-Chinese translation texts have over the past few decades been severely criticized. The criticisms result partly from the abundance in such texts of sentences too exotic to read and partly from the general public's concern that Chinese may be contaminated by translation texts to some extent. It is therefore of academic significance to investigate such a phenomenon. Based on 30 passages adapted from 30 randomly selected English-Chinese translation texts and 4 degrees of fluency postulated by the researchers, the study aims to investigate to what extent translation texts are judged to be fluent by students of DAFL and whether students' judgment is justifiable. Data analysis reveals that with respect to the degree of fluency, the 30 texts average 2.61. Of the 17 passages rated higher than 2.61, 5 are found to be more than fluent. Of the 13 passages rated lower than 2.61, 3 are found to be lower than 2.61. In all, 25 are found to score lower than 3, indicating that 83.3% of the texts are fluent. As to whether students' judgment is justifiable, the analyses of the 2 passages scoring higher than 3 and 2 passages scoring lower than 2 indicate that students judged the 30 texts appropriately. This suggests that students of DAFL are able to judge the fluency degree of translation texts.
