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篇名 台灣高等教育提升國際化之影響與爭議
卷期 65
並列篇名 The Impact and Controversies of Enhancing the Internationalization of Higher Education in Taiwan
作者 陳治堯
頁次 16-32
關鍵字 關鍵詞:高等教育高等教育國際化教育服務貿易higher educationinternationalization of higher educationeducational service and trade
出刊日期 201001




The higher education in Taiwan is about to enter the era that all high school graduates can be enrolled in tertiary institutions. Therefore, enhancing the internationalization of higher education and attracting students from other countries to pursuit a degree of tertiary education in Taiwan can be beneficial to developing the future of higher educationof Taiwan. Some countries, which have many international students like the U.S., Australia, U.K., and Canada, try to internationalize higher education and make policies of educational services and trade positively in order to attract foreign students. After Taiwan became a member of WTO, we have to open the market of education and also make some policiesabout internationalization. However, there are some controversies such as only few of areas of study are internationalized, the impact of local culture, and the competition of foreign institutions. In that case, we should establish the features of higher education, enhance the system of educational evaluation, develop the superiority of Taiwan, provide a goodenvironment of learning and leisure, and open and ensure the quality of educational service, so that we can deal with the wave of internationalization.
