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篇名 國民中學校長科技領導與學校效能關係之研究
卷期 65
並列篇名 Research on the Relationship between Technology Leadership and School Effectiveness of Junior High School Principals
作者 張奕華蔡瑞倫
頁次 33-53
關鍵字 科技領導國民中學校長學校效能technology leadershipjunior high school principalschool effectiveness
出刊日期 201001




The intent of this study is to explore the current status of technology leadership and school effectiveness on public junior high school principals in Taoyuan County, and to analyze the relationship between both factors. The research investigated and analyzed the public junior high school teachers in Taoyuan County by questionnaires of “The Current Status of Technology Leadership and School Effectiveness of Junior High School Principals”, randomly selected 567 teachers from 59 public junior high schools in Taoyuan County as samples, and gained the following results: (1) Current status of the technology leadership and school effectiveness of public junior high school principals in Taoyuan County are in fairly good level. (2) The technology leadership and the whole school effectiveness of public junior high school principals in Taoyan County are signifi cantly related. Based on the results, the study provides suggestions for educational administrative institutions and junior high school principals.
