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篇名 學校行政人員行政溝通行為在學校行政上的應用
卷期 65
並列篇名 The Application on the Communicative Behavior of School Administrators in School Administration
作者 洪子琪
頁次 54-69
關鍵字 學校行政人員行政溝通行為學校行政School administratorsAdministrative communication behaviorSchool administration
出刊日期 201001




This paper aims to discuss how the school administrators use the appropriate communicative behavior in school administration, in order to improve the efficiency of school administration. It’s quite usual that we communicate to each other in daily campus life, and the communicative behavior is an important part of school administration. We could coordinate and cooperate well and easily by using effective communication. The main goal of school administration is to serve teachers, students and their parents. Suggestions and needs from teachers, students and their parents are the base of any decision made by school authorities. On the other hand, teachers, students, and parents’ satisfaction for administrators’ services are all depending on attitudes, effective communications, and positive interaction of administrators. Thus, the quality of administrators will seriously influence the sustainable development and the overall competition of the school in administration.This paper is aimed to investigate the meaning of administrative communication and school administration effectiveness, as well as the application on the communicative behavior of school administrators in school administration, through the literature review and analysis.
