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篇名 宜蘭縣國民中學人力資本之研究
卷期 65
並列篇名 A Study of Human Capital in Junior High Schools in I-Lan County
作者 王虎存
頁次 70-87
關鍵字 國民中學教職員人力資本junior high schoolsfacultieshuman capital
出刊日期 201001




This study aims to explore the meaning of human capital in school and develop a comprehensive measurement to investigate the application of human capital in junior high schools in I-Lan County. The self-administrated survey was conducted and the respondents were selected from the faculties in junior high schools in I-Lan County. Totally 447 questionnaires have been released, of which 410 valid questionnaires have been received, and valid response rate is 92%. The results show that the status quo of human capital in junior high schools in I-Lan County is solid.Many of the junior high school faculties are young (below 40), well- educated and relatively less-experienced. The demographics variables such as gender, education, duty and seniority reveal significant different impact on some indicators of human capital. These findings also provide important implication for human resource management in school.
