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篇名 建構式領導對學校行政領導之啟示
卷期 65
並列篇名 Inspiration to School Administrative Leadership from Constructivist Leadership
作者 陳鴻賢
頁次 108-116
關鍵字 建構式領導constructivist leadership
出刊日期 201001




Dealing with the transformation of school organizational structure and authority, schools need to reconsider the possibility of applying old fashion authoritative leadership. While Lambert’s idea of constructivist leadership emphasized interaction and interdependence between leader and members, we find it suitable for current school educational ecological environment. Through probing into the reference document, we can identify the meaning and characteristics of constructivist leadership and furthermore elaborate the inspiration to school administrative leadership from it. The inspiration can break down into: transformation of authority from control and share to mutually beneficial relationship; constructivist leadership society’s goal of all members are leaders; creation of teaching and learning type of school organizational pattern; creation of organization culture of participation and cooperation in wish for future referenceand improvement of school leading effectiveness.
