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篇名 以教育政策「聖誕樹」模式圖分析大學院校系所評鑑政策
卷期 65
並列篇名 Analyzing University Department Evaluation on the Basis of the “Christmas Tree” Educational Policy Model
作者 蔡博
頁次 139-154
關鍵字 大學評鑑系所評鑑教育政策university evaluationdepartment evaluationeducational policy
出刊日期 201001




High quality education has a very important influence on national development. The “University Department Evaluation Plan” has been in place for more than two years, and its effect has been examined and commented on by many different individuals. This study aims to introduce and analyze the background situation factors and policy processes by the “Christmas Tree” educational policy model. Also, the study discusses and evaluates the results of policy analysis, and makes 5 suggestions: 1.University department evaluation should let university departments have abundant time to prepare. 2. University department evaluation should integrate tasks and reduce data to pile up. 3. University department evaluation should not link up with exit mechanism. 4. University department evaluation should not have the common standard. 5. Policy evaluation should be institutionalized.
