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篇名 最有利標在學校採購實務上之運用
卷期 65
並列篇名 Most Advantageous Tender of the Law of Government Procurement Is Applying to School Procurement
作者 王健諭陳立光
頁次 155-164
關鍵字 政府採購法最有利標學校採購The Law of Government ProcurementMost Advantageous TenderSchool Procurement
出刊日期 201001




Government institution, public school, publicly-owned undertaking, have the right responsibility to handle the purchase, accept the regulation of Law of Government Procurement, and promote effect of government perchasing. Most Advantageous Tender is to choose quality and function fine and price although high but belong to reasonable manufacturer or good manufacturer to carry on the project of the school.Th is article introduces as follows: 1. The procedure of school purchases; 2.Choose Most Advantageous Tender; 3.the operation procedure of Most AdvantageousTender; 4.Decide the price of procedure of Most Advantageous Tender of; 5.The school adopts the Most Advantageous Tender.
