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篇名 我國高等技職校院行銷管理模式之建構
卷期 65
並列篇名 A Study on the onstructing Marketing Model of the Higher Technology and Vocational Education in Taiwan
作者 林俊彥張惠雯
頁次 1-15
關鍵字 高等技職教育全面行銷理論內部行銷整合行銷關係行銷社會責任行銷higher technological and vocational educationholistic marketinginternal marketingintegrated marketingrelationship marketingsocietal marketing
出刊日期 201001




Due to the impact of the lower birth rate phenomenon, the higher technological and vocational education in Taiwan will face intense competition. This study is attempted to construct a theoretical marketing management framework of higher technological and vocational education in Taiwan based on Kotler’s holistic marketing model. Literature analysis was used to provide guidelines for implementation. For the development of marketing management strategy, this study
focused on the Kotler & Keller’s theory of four factors, including (l) internal marketing, (2) integrated marketing, (3) relationship marketing, and (4) societal marketing.
