
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Tuberculous Serositis Coexisting with Reversible High-Grade Atrioventricular Block
卷期 21:3、21:3
並列篇名 結核性漿膜炎併發可逆性高度房室傳導阻滯
作者 楊鎧鍵洪健清何奕倫
頁次 164-168
關鍵字 肺結核漿膜炎房室結傳導阻斷TuberculosisSerositisAtrioventricular blockMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200508




We report two young male patients with documented tuberculous serositis that were complicated with high-degree atrioventricular block (AV block) during the course of the disease. In contrast to the previously reported irreversible nature of tuberculosis-related AV block, these conduction abnormalities in our cases resolved spontaneously under antituberculosis treatment. Such reversible tuberculosis-related AV block, to our knowledge, has never been reported before and could be important for physicians who treat patients with tuberculosis and newly-developed conduction block.
