
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Impact of the Transradial Approach to Coronary Angiography or Angioplasty on Radial Artery in Taiwanese Population
卷期 20:4、20:4
並列篇名 經橈動脈冠狀動脈攝影及血管成形術對臺灣人橈動脈的影響
作者 黃啟宏陳兆英陳逸忠王榮添陳淮邱恆正
頁次 212-218
關鍵字 冠狀動脈經橈動脈進行臺灣人橈動脈阻塞Coronary artery transradial approachTaiwaneseRadial artery occlusionMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200412


背景 經橈動脈冠狀動脈攝曩及血管成形衛,在世界上已是常見方法。但是台灣病人橈動脈較西方人小,本實驗觀察經橈動脈攝影及血管成形術對台灣病人橈動脈的影響。方法 從2001年2月到2002年2月,總共收集336例第一次接受經橈動脈冠狀動脈攝影或血管成形術病人,所有病人均從右側橈動穿刺,且均接受術前一次與術後二次血管超音波檢查。依術生超音波檢查結果將病人分?橈動脈阻塞與流通兩組。結果 總共有176人僅接受經橈動脈冠狀動脈攝影,160人同時接受經橈動脈冠狀動脈攝影 及血管成形術。平均橈動脈內徑在術前?2.78±0.40mm,且男性大於女性(2.88±0.39vs.2.53±0.32mm,p<0.001)但與年紀、身高、體重、體質量指數、體表面積無關。橈動脈血流量也是男性大於女性(0.03±0.01vs.0.02±0.01L/min,p<0.001)。36人發生短期橈動脈阻塞,其中26人在三個月內又再流通,阻塞患者其橈動脈內徑,內徑∕鞘外徑比值和血流量比流通者小(p<0.001)。在未有阻塞的患者其橈動脈內徑,血流速度與流量在心導管術前後無顯著差別。結論 經橈動脈冠狀動脈攝影及血管成形術,對台灣病人是一種安全實用方法。血管超音波檢查可用來作?導管鞘的選擇及血管併發症追蹤。


Background: Transradial approach is accepted as an alternative method for coronary angiography and angioplasty. The body size and radial artery size in Taiwanese patients are thought to be smaller than those of Western populations. This study assessed the transradial approach in Taiwanese patients. Methods: This prospective study enrolled 336 patients who underwent coronary angiography or angioplasty in our hospital during the period from February 2001 to February 2002. Ultrasound examinations were performed 3 times (pre-procedure, early post-procedure, and late post-procedure). The ultrasound examinations included 2-dimensional and Doppler studies. The patients were divided into radial artery occlusion and patent subgroups depending on the ultrasound results after transradial coronary procedure. Results: A transradial approach was used to perform coronary angiography in 176 patients as well as coronary angiography plus angioplasty in 160 patients. The mean radial artery inner diameter (RAID) measured by ultrasound was 2.78±0.40 mm pre-procedure. The RAID in males was larger than in females (2.88±0.39 vs. 2.53±0.32 mm, p<0.001). There was no significant correlation between RAID and age, height, weight, body mass index, and body surface area. The flow volume in men was larger than in women (0.03±0.01 vs. 0.02±0.01L/min, p<0.001). Radial artery occlusion developed after transradial approach in 36 patients (10.7%), among which recanalization was observed within 3 months in 26 patients. in patients with occlusion of the radial artery after transradial approach the RAID, RAID/sheath outer diameter ratio, and flow volume were smaller than in the patent patients (p <0.001). There was no significant difference in RAID, flow velocity and flow volume between pre-procedural, early post-procedural, and late post-procedural ultrasound examinations in patients who did not develop occlusion. Conclusion: This study found that transradial coronary procedure is a safe and practical alternative approach for Taiwanese patients with a normal Allen test. Ultrasound examination of the radial artery was useful in selecting an access route for coronary procedure, an appropriate size of the sheath, and in the follow-up of vascular complications.

