
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Isolated Unilateral Absence of a Pulmonary Artery--A Case Report
卷期 20:4、20:4
並列篇名 單獨的單側左肺動脈缺損--一病例報告
作者 林育慶陳銘仁游昌憲陳律霖
頁次 245-250
關鍵字 單獨單側肺動脈缺損右動脈弓胸部電腦斷層掃描通氣及灌流造影術三度空間核磁共振血管攝影IsolatedUnilateral absence of a pulmonary arteryRight aortic archChest computed tomographyVentilation-perfusion scintigraphyThree-dimensional magnetic resonance angiographyMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200412


單側肺動脈缺失是一個罕見的肺血管異常,它通常合併其他心?結構異常。我們報告一病例?九歲女性診斷?單獨的左側肺動脈缺失併右主動脈弓,此外這病例並無合併其他心?結構異常。一系列影像檢查包括:胸部X光、食道X光攝影、心?超音波、胸部斷層掃描、通氣及灌流掃描、心導管血攝影、三度空間核 磁共振血管攝影。由一張左右肺不對稱的胸部X光,開啟一連串後續檢查。心導管及肺動脈血管攝影診斷?左側且動脈缺失,核磁共振血管攝影是一有效的非侵襲性檢查,它確定地證明左肺動脈缺失且無陷藏的且動脈。因此手術建立部血流連續是不可能的。


Unilateral absence of a pulmonary artery (UAPA) is a rare pulmonary vascular anomaly that is usually associated with other cardiac anomalies. We report a 9-year-old female diagnosed with isolated unilateral absence of the left pulmonary artery and a right aortic arch but without other cardiac anomalies. The only symptoms the patient had were recurrent respiratory tract infections. The chest x-rays showed asymmetric lung fields, prompting subsequent studies. A series of imaging studies including chest x-rays, esophagography, echocardiography, chest computed tomography, lung ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy, angiocardiography, and 3-dimensional magnetic resonance angiography (3D-MRA) were done. The diagnosis was confirmed by the cardiac catheterization and pulmonary angiography, which disclosed absence of the left pulmonary artery. 3D-MRA conclusively demonstrated total absence of the left pulmonary artery without an occult left pulmonary artery or systemic-to-pulmonary collateral arteries. Therefore, surgical re-establishment of pulmonary continuity was impossible.

