
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Balloon Pulmonary Valvuloplasty in Adults with Congenital Valvular Pulmonary Stenosis
卷期 20:3、20:3
並列篇名 成人先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄以氣球擴張術治療之效果
作者 林斯晨黃瑞仁許寬立李啟明王主科曾春典江福田廖朝崧曾淵如
頁次 147-153
關鍵字 肺動脈瓣狹窄氣球擴張術成人Pulmonary stenosisBalloon valvuloplastyAdultMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200410


     背景 先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄以氣球擴張術(心臟瓣膜成型術)治療在小兒科已經行之有年,本研究主要評估成人先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄以氣球擴張術治療之效果。方法與結果 統計12位接受氣球擴張術治療之成年病患(平均41歲,其中3人高齡達68、71及80歲),8例為雙氣球,4例為單氣球擴張術(其中1例使用Inoue氣球),分析其術前、術後及長期追蹤之血液動力學之各項參數。我們發現術後右心室收縮壓立即由101.4±35。減少為48.8±17.7毫米汞柱 ,肺動脈瓣壓力差立即由85.3±37.3減少為29.9±20.0毫米汞柱。十位病患以都普勒超音波追蹤(平均68.6個月),肺動脈瓣壓力差逐漸減少為15.1±11.9毫米汞柱。全部病患症狀皆穫得改善,而且沒有出現併發症。結論 以氣球擴張術治療成人先天性肺動脈瓣狹窄,是十分安全又有效的治療方式,甚至施行於高齡老人也相當成功。


     Background: Balloon valvuloplasty has been used for congenital valvular pulmonary stenosis (PS) in pediatric patients as a conventional treatment. The purpose of this study was to further investigate the safety, immediate and long-term results of balloon valvuloplast in adults with congenital valvular pulmonary stenosis.Methods and Result: We analyzed hemodynamic data of 12 patients who underwent balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty (ages 20-80, mean 41 years). Double-balloon technique was used in 8 patients and single-balloon technique in 4patients (including 1 case with Inoue balloon). Right ventricle systolic pressure and pulmonary valve peak-to-peak systolic pressure gradient decreased from 101.4±35.0 to 48.8±17.7 mmHg(p<0.001)and 85.3±37.3 to 29.9±20.0 mmHg(p<0.001), respectively. Ten patients underwent transthoracic Doppler echocardiography follow-up 2-184 minths (mean 68.6 months) after pulmonary balloon valvuloplasty, and peak transvalvular systolic pressure gradient further decreased to 15.1±11.9 mmHg(p=0.001). All patients had symptomatic improvement, and no major complication or mortality was noted.Conclusion: Balloon pulmonary valvuloplasty is a safe and effective treatment for adult patients with congenital valvular PS. In our experience, even elderly patients (up to 80 years old) had satisfactory result.
