
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Cell Therapy for Cardiac Diseases-Bridging Basic and Clinical Science
卷期 20:2、20:2
並列篇名 心臟疾病的細胞治療--從基礎至臨床
作者 許喬博周光儀廖儷容張正琪王志軒
頁次 59-72
關鍵字 細胞治療心肌修補再生醫學幹細胞Cell therapyMyocardial repairRegenerative medicineStem cellsMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200404




Regenerative medicine is a term given to varied strategies of repairing or replacing damaged or diseased tissues or organs to restore, maintain, or enhance their function. As the average age of the population is rising with the increasing incidence of age-related degenerative conditions, a pressing need for the products of regenerative medicine is imminent. Regenerative medicine promises a more effective solution than current pharmaceutical andinterventional therapy. By far the most well-known areas of regenerative medicine have been tissue engineering and cell therapy. Engineering complex organs ex vivo by knowledge from tissue engineering is still many years away, but the use of cells to rebuild diseased or damaged tissues by delivering a small number of cells may soon be used to treat some of the world most devastating diseases. In this review, we first examine the knowledge of regeneration and tissue stem cells.We provide the most updated information about cardiac stem cells, myocyte death and growth and regeneration in diseased and aging heart. Recent research demonstrates replacement and regeneration of functional cardiac muscle can be achieved byeither implanting competent cells or stimulating proliferation of endogenous stem cells.We therefore explore the scientific advances, clinical trials and challenges ahead regarding cell therapy for myocardial regeneration. Our goal is not to provide detailed information about regenerative medicine, but rather, using heart repair as an example, to inform the readership about recent advances in this promising field and encourage their active participation in its further development.
