
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Discrete Abdominal Aortic Stenosis Presenting with Bilateral Lower Limb Claudication--A Case Report
卷期 20:2、20:2
並列篇名 侷限性腹部主動脈狹窄引起雙下肢跛足--一病例報告
作者 陳儒逸蔡惟全余忠泰甘宗旦陳志鴻
頁次 115-119
關鍵字 間歇性跛足腹部主動脈狹窄Intermittent claudicationAbdominal aortic stenosisMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200404


彌漫性動脈粥狀硬化合併腹部主動脈狹窄而引起雙下肢跛足,是一常見疾病。但侷限性動脈粥狀硬化合併腹部主動脈狹窄,並引起雙下肢跛足,則屬罕見。單靠臨床表現與影像檢查,並不足以區分狹窄的原因是動脈粥狀硬化性狹窄或腹部主動脈狹窄(coarctation of abdominal aorta)。在此我們報告一罕見病例,此病例除吸煙及三酸甘油脂異常之外,並無其他心血管疾病之危險因子。其雙下肢跛足已年餘,經核磁共振動脈攝影及導管動脈攝影檢查,發現有一嚴重的侷限性腹部主動脈狹窄病灶。其組織切片的病理報告為典型的”動脈粥狀硬化”表現,最後的診斷為侷限性動脈粥狀硬化合併腹部主動脈狹窄。病患接受開刀後預後良好。


Localized discrete abdominal aortic stenosis leading to bilateral lower limbs claudication is uncommon in Asians, especially among women. We report on the case of a 63-year-old woman with localized discrete abdominal aortic stenosis manifested as claudication in her bilateral lower extremities. Amagnetic resonance angiography showed a short and asymmetric abdominal aortic stenosis at the third to fourth lumbar level below bilateral renal arteries. She received successful graft interposition and her clinical condition dramatically improved. A surgical specimen from the pathological examination revealed typical atheroscelrotic plaque resulting in an asymmetric narrowing of the lumen of aorta. The final diagnosis was discrete abdominal aortic stenosis, not coarctation of the abdominal aorta.Based on the findings of this case, we therefore suggest that the diagnosis of abdominal aortic stenosis should be considered when patients present with intermittent claudication and also that surgical intervention is the treatment of choice.
