
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Surgical Repair of Aortopulmonary Window in Infants
卷期 20:1、20:1
並列篇名 嬰兒主動脈肺動脈窗之外科治療
作者 吳介任林伯彥吳東和盧麗芬潘俊彥康沛倫謝凱生郭樹民
頁次 31-36
關鍵字 主動脈肺動脈窗主動脈肺動脈間隔缺損先天性心臟病Aortopulmonary windowAortopulmonary septal defectCongenital heart diseaseMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200401


背景 主動脈肺動脈窗是一種罕見的先天性心臟病,它的成因是升主動脈與肺動脈之間有交通。對於主動脈肺動脈窗的病人,手術治療是必需的。為避免肺血管病變,一經診斷就必須接受手術治療。方法 從1990年到2002年,有四例嬰兒接受主動脈肺動脈窗手術矯正。這些缺損大小從0.4到0.6公分,皆屬於近端型。合併的心臟異常包括一例有主動脈窄縮及冊放性動脈導管,另一例有心房中隔缺損。體外循環下修補主動脈肺動脈窗,並同時矯正合併的心臟異常。結果 沒有早期和晚期病人的死亡。追蹤十個月至十二年之間,沒有發現有殘存的缺損和血管扭曲或狹窄。結論 主動脈肺動脈窗診斷後應早期修補。在嬰兒期或新生兒期施行矯正,結果良好。


Background: Aortopulmonary window is a rare congenital heart defect resulting from a communication between the main pulmonary artery and the ascending aorta. Surgical closure is indicated in all patients with aortopulmonary window and should be performed at the time of diagnosis to prevent irreversible pulmonary vasculat disease. Methods: From 1990ot 2002, 4 infants with aortopulmonary window underwent surgical correction. The defects ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 cm in size and they were all proximal type. Associated cardiac lesions were present in 2cases, including l case with coarctation of the aorta and patent ductus arteriosus, and the other with atrial septal defect. These procedures were performed under the cardiopulmonary bypass and the associated cardiac lesions were corrected simultaneously. Results: There was neither early nor late death. During the period of follow-up (10 months to 12 years), no residual defect was noted and neither distortion nor stenosis of great artery was found. Conclusions: Early correction of aortopulmonary window at the time of diagnosis is advised. Repair of aortopulmonary window can be performed in neonates and infants with excellent results.
