
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 Myopericarditis Associated with Parainfluenza Virus TypeⅠInfection
卷期 22:3
並列篇名 心肌心包膜炎合併副流行性感冒病毒感染
作者 陳建鈞林明澤林隆君曾春典江福田
頁次 163-169
關鍵字 MyopericarditisVentricular tachycardiaParainfluenza virus心室頻脈心肌心包膜炎副流行性感冒病毒MEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 200609




Myopericarditis is not uncommon, but often under-diagnosed. In fulminant cases, it may lead rapidly to circulatory failure or malignant arrhythmia, causing mortality. In this report, we describe a 41-year-old man who had episodes of convulsion one week after an upper respiratory tract infection. His electrocardiograms (ECGs) recorded during attack showed ventricular tachycardia. He had pulmonary edema and shock in the hospitalization course. The serial ECGs showed widespread PR depression, ST elevation and T-wave inversion afterwards, typical of myopericarditis change. The patient recovered finally. A paired serology test showed fourfold elevation of Parainfluenza virus type Ⅰ antibody titer, suggesting that the parainfluenza virus might be the causative agent. This case illustrates that the parainfluenza virus might have a causative role in acute myopericarditis in which the clinical course is fulminant.
