
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 碳材披覆於矽/石墨/氮化鋁複合物之鋰離子電池負極材料性能研究
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Carbon-coated si/graphite/aln composites as anode materials for lithium ion batteries
作者 吳玉祥陳伯坤
頁次 131-139
關鍵字 氮化鋁天然石墨鋰離子電池負極材料Li-ion batteryaluminum nitride natural graphitesiliconanodeEIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201006


本研究主要是將矽、石墨和氮化鋁三種材料,依不同的混合比例與處理形成複合材料,作為鋰離子電池負極材料。當矽/石墨/氮化鋁複合材料分別以不同的重量比例,再披覆40 wt.%的咈喃樹脂,經8小時研磨後,由充放電測試結果發現,利用緩衝效應將氮化鋁視為一種非活性的緩衝材,與矽混合後能抑制矽於充放電時的體積膨脹問題,有效改善電容量的循環穩定性,並降低第
一次不可逆性至10%,且經過5 次充放電循環測試後電容量可維持在700mAh/g左右,其電化學性能顯示有較佳的電容量和穩定的循環壽命。因為氮化鋁的加入與研磨處理,有助於矽的第一次不可逆電容量降低;另將矽複合材料披覆咈喃樹脂處理後,其電容量的衰退較為穩定,且循環穩定性也有所提升。


Silicon/graphite/aluminum nitride (AlN) composites with different weight ratios were mixed as precursors for anode materials of Li-ion batteries. The silicon/graphite/AlN composites with different proportions of weight separately and coating containing 40 wt.% furan resin after milling for 8 hours, are measured with charge and discharge tests. The inactive AlN working as a buffer matrix successfully prevents silicon large volume change during charge and discharge electrochemical test. The composites show excellent cycling performance with a reasonable value of the first irreversible capacity to 10%. The capacity is retained about 700 mAh/g after 5 cycles. The first irreversibility will obviously be reduced.
The capacity decade of carbon-coated silicon composites with furan resin
will be comparatively steady and the circulation stability will be also
