
技術學刊 EIScopus

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篇名 高速銑削SKD61 模具鋼用端銑刀製程參數最佳化設計
卷期 25:2
並列篇名 Optimal process parameter design of end-mill for high speed cutting skd61 mold steel
作者 呂淮熏
頁次 99-102
關鍵字 田口法刀具壽命最佳化端銑刀高速銑削Taguchi methodoptimizationend-millhigh speed cuttingtool life.EIScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201006


本研究以田口法探討高速銑削 SKD61 模具鋼用端銑刀製程參數最佳化設計。評估銑削製程之性能指標為刀具壽命,影響刀具壽命之製程參數有主軸轉速、每刃進給、軸向切深、徑向切深、螺旋角、徑向切削角、徑向離隙角、軸向切削角與軸向離隙角。文中藉由田口法,以刀具壽命為性能指標求得製程參數最佳水準組合。驗證結果顯示,以田口法所得製程參數最佳水準組合,確實能夠有效改善刀具壽命。


This study uses the Taguchi method for the optimal processing parameter design of end-milling for high speed the cutting of SKD61 mold steel. Tool life is the major performance index of the cutting process. The cutting processing parameters of end-milling for high speed cutting are
spindle speed, feed per tooth, radial depth of cut, axial depth of cut, helix angle, radial rake angle, radial relief angle, axial rake angle and axial relief angle. The optimal processing parameters can be evaluated by the Taguchi method. The results of confirmation experiments show that the
Taguchi method can be effectively used to evaluate the optimal processing
parameters. Thus, the tool life of high speed cutting tools for SKD61 mold steel can be improved effectively.
