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篇名 用模糊理論於調整生產率之整合存貨模式
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The Integrated Inventory Model With Adjustable Production Rate Using Fuzzy Set Theory
作者 黃獻平
頁次 113-126
關鍵字 整合存貨模式調整生產率模糊數Integrated inventory modelFuzzy numberAdjustable production rate
出刊日期 201003




In this paper we present a stylized model to find the optimal strategy for the integrated inventory model with fuzzy adjustable production rate. This model with such consideration is based on the total cost optimization under a common stock strategy. However, the supposition
of known adjustable production rate in most related publications may not be realistic. This paper proposes the triangular fuzzy number of adjustable production rate and then defuzzify by the centroid method, to find the estimation of the common total cost in the fuzzy sense, and derives the corresponding optimal buyer’s quantity consequently and the integer number of lots in which the items are delivered from the vendor to the purchaser. A numerical example is provided and the results of fuzzy and crisp models are compared.
