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篇名 產業導向高等技術教育機械技術人力之技術基本能力培育模式
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 The View of the Higher Education Mechanical Manpower’s Fundamental Skill Ability Demand for the Industry
作者 邱紹一
頁次 127-155
關鍵字 技術創造力教學策略評量模式Technical Creation AbilityEvaluation ModelTeaching Strategy
出刊日期 201003




The purpose of this study was to investigate the teaching effectiveness with technology creativity instructional strategy for the students in industrial vocational high schools. Through the construction of technology creativity instructional strategy and evaluation model, the study intends to have students to be professional employees meeting enterprises’ requirements.
This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative methodology, including
document analysis, depth interview, questionnaire survey, and so on, and tries to understand the present status of enterprises’ technology creativity requirements, the essential content of technology creativity and the present training status of technology creativity of industrial vocational high schools and enterprises.
The findings of this study indicate that enterprises have requirement for
technology creativity of the students in industrial vocational high schools and the essential content of technology creativity based on enterprises’ needs for five elements includes attitude, intelligence, knowledge, technique and environment.
Besides, this study brings the concrete conclusions and propositions for the present training status of technology creativity based on teachers’ perspectives of the different departments and national and private schools.
