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篇名 應用企業資源基礎理論與組織文化建構企業併購之規劃與整合探索性研究
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 An Exploring Study on Establishing the Process of Merger and Acquisition Through RBV Theory and Organization Culture
作者 夏周鼎常紫薇
頁次 52-72
關鍵字 併購資源基礎理論組織文化merger and acquisition Origination CultuResource-based View
出刊日期 201003


併購長久以來已經成為拓展組織規模,進入新的業務領域極為普遍的策略。然而,多種跡象顯示,許多購併案無法增加價值,事實上還經常失血。為數不少的學術研究案例亦顯示許多購併無法實現其預期利益(Charles & Gareth, 1996)。


The Merger and Acquisition (M&A) activities has been a common strategy to expand business scale and to entry a new business field. However, a lot of cases of Merger and Acquisition failed to add the value and even struggle in out of red. There are also academic study addressed that it can not fulfill the expected profit by Merger and Acquisition(Charles &
Gareth, 1996).
This study is exploring in the view of Resource-based View to examine the value, rare, and imperfectly imitable of organization culture and integrating the roles of organization culture on the different M&A stages involving the culture innovation and revitalization of organization change management.
