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篇名 Effects of organizational context and partnership on e-business transformation: an empirical study
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 組織內涵與夥伴關係對企業電子化轉型之影響
作者 李直平李小珍
頁次 156-181
關鍵字 E-commerce E-business Organizational learning E-business transformation企業電子化轉型電子商務企業電子化組織學習
出刊日期 201003


現今企業想要在電子商務環境內競爭,公司內必須結構化使用大量的資訊科技與資訊系統(IT/IS),來轉換組織內部基礎上的功能。在進行企業電子化轉型首先需要將IT 策略與經營策略緊密地再結合,同時建立必要的基礎設施,並將企業前端客戶需求與後端供應商作業整合並一致性處理,以及管理新的夥伴合作關係,考量其它如何有效轉型等相關議題。本研究主要目的在探討企業電子化轉型有效過程中,將會受到與組織學習能力相關之變項的影響: 例如外在的夥伴合作關係,組織內涵的重要因素(包含--主管的支持,集權式管理,任務的協調,溝通,以及電子商務的成熟度等)。研究的模型與假設皆受到過去文獻和管理理論的支持。分析的數據是經由問卷調查台灣820 大型公司的資訊長(CIO)填答後所收集,其接受回應的有效樣本共計202 家。分析結果顯示企業電子化轉型有效過程中,夥伴合作關係和組織內涵的重要因素確實具有顯著性的影響關係。


Nowadays to compete effectively in the e-commerce world, a company must
structurally transform its internal foundation using amount IT/IS. Such e-business transformation also entails tight realignment of business strategy with IT strategy, setting up the necessary infrastructure, streamlining front-end and backend business processes, managing new relationships and partnership, and taking into consideration that how to transform effectively issues. The main purpose of this study is to examine
the effective factors of organizational learning ability in the e-business transformation from partnership, organizational context different scopes (ex, top managers’ support, centralization, task coordination, communication, EB maturity). The research model and hypothesis was formed by the theories that based on literature and management.
Data were collected using a questionnaire sent to the IS directors of 820 large companies in Taiwan with 202 usable responses were received. Survey results indicate that the partnership and organizational context-related factors relatives organizational learning ability influent the EB implementation effectiveness on the EB transformation significantly.
