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篇名 田口穩健設計應用於微氣泡減阻之參數分析
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 Taguchi’s Robust Design Appling to the Parametric Analysis for the Microbubble Drag Reduction
作者 歐陽寬王固祺王逸萍吳聖儒
頁次 13-42
關鍵字 微氣泡減阻田口方法穩健設計Robust designMicrobubbleDrag reductionTaguchi method
出刊日期 201003




This work analyzed the parameters about the microbubble drag reduction by using the Taguchi method to acquire the optimal robust parametric design. Five parameters were investigated in this paper. Among these parameters, the area of air injection, the porosity of medium and the amount of air injected were regarded in the controllable factors; whereas, the flow speed and the measuring location for shear stress were classified into the indicative factors. Analyses revealed that large air supply and small area of air injection are the best for drag reduction, and the effect of medium porosity is slight. The confirmation experiments were carried out under the condition of the optimum parametric design, and the average
efficiency of drag reduction could reach up to 19.3%. Through the analysis of variance, it was concluded that, the air supply is the greatest contribution to the microbubble drag reduction. The contribution of air supply is 59.48%.
