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篇名 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of layered semiconductor WS2 single crystals
卷期 3:1
並列篇名 層狀半導体二硫化鎢的XPS 物性研究
作者 嚴本嘉李修至
頁次 1-12
關鍵字 WS2X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy chemical vapor transport methodlayered semiconductorphotoconductivity二硫化鎢層狀半導体XPS 光電子能譜化學氣相傳導法光導電率
出刊日期 201003


過渡金屬的硫化物如二硫化鎢, 二硫化鉬,具有一些廣泛的特性,常應用固態潤滑劑,太陽能電池,硫化氫觸媒..等用途.最近有些研究,,去改善層狀半導体的光導電率.雖然有許多不同的應用,但在理論上與實驗上,對二硫化鎢的物性研究仍然相當匱乏. 我們致力於研究層狀半導体二硫化鎢,了解其特性,我們用化學氣相傳導法,以溴為傳導劑,生長WS2 單晶.用XPS 去研究其W 4f 和 S 2p 光電子能譜。


From recent investigations, these compounds of transition-metal dichalcogenides, TX2 where T = W or Mo and X = S or Se have been attractive in a variety of important technologies such as solid lubricants, photovoltaic solar cells, hydrosulphurization catalysts etc. Despite their various technological applications, the theoretical and
experimental understanding of the solid-state properties of WS2 are still relatively incomplete.
Our current effort has been on the effect of WS2 properties. Single crystals of WS2 are grown using the chemical vapor transport method with Br2 as the transport agent. The XPS spectra of W 4f and S 2p core electron are defined and the chemical states of tungsten and sulfide are discussed for the WS2 single crystal.
