
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 讀者服務館員負面工作情緒之實證研究-以公共圖書館為例
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 An Empirical Study of Public Service Librarians’ Perceptions and Causes of Negative Emotions in Taiwan’s Public Libraries
作者 陳書梅
頁次 59-96
關鍵字 負面工作情緒讀者服務館員公共圖書館Negative EmotionPublic LibraryPublic Service LibrarianTSSCI
出刊日期 201006




Research has documented that, in service organization, effectiveness is thought to hinge partly on the emotions expressed by employees. In librarianship, emotions also play an important role in affecting librarian’s attitude to patrons and in turn his/her job performance. Librarians are the library’s most effective representatives. Patrons judge the entire library by librarian’s behaviors. Thus, librarians’ expression of emotions is one of the key factors of library service. Moreover, research on feelings
experienced and expressed by organizational members emphasizes emotions as indicators of well-being and happiness. Employing literature review and analysis, questionnaires, and statistics analysis,
this study explored public service librarians’ perceptions and causes of negative emotions in the public library settings in Taiwan.
