
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 警察形象認知及行銷策略之研究
卷期 37、37
並列篇名 A Study of Taipei Citizens' Perception of Polic Image and It's Marketing Strategies
作者 王淑慧
頁次 97-136
關鍵字 形象警察形象形象構面警察形象構面行銷形象行銷警察形象行銷ImagePolice imageImage dimensionsPolice image dimensionsMarketingImage marketingPolice image marketingTSSCI
出刊日期 200312


長期以來,警察形象頗具爭議性,甚受各界抨擊,本研究以台北市民與警察為研究對象,旨在探討下列兩大議題:(一)台北市民對於警察形象之認知結構:受市民肯定的正面形象為何?受民眾否定的負面形象又為何?民眾認知警察形象之主要來源為何?民眾期望警察之服務與執法角色如何定位?民眾認為警察執法時「情、理、法」順序為何?民眾的社會背景、認知來源及與警察之接觸經驗和管道是否會影響其對於警察形象之認知?(二)根據前述形象調查結果,提出行銷警察正面形象之策略。本研究的核心概念為警察形象,依據相關學理建構三大構面:機構形象、功能形象與行為形象,據此衍生八項構面:政策形象、信任形象、貢獻形象、聲譽形象、執法形象、服務形象、風紀形象與品牌形象。為提高形象量表之信度與效度,本研究採取兩階段作法:(一)邀請中央警察大學與台北大學學生舉行二次焦點團體座談,決定「警察形象量表」;(二)隨機抽選三十位市民進行前測,以進一步確定問卷的內容與可執行性,計算其Cronbach’α值達0.9481,顯示此份量表已具甚高的信度。最後實際進行正式調查,成功的樣本數為770位市民,Cronbach’ α為0.7279。效度分析則係運用因素分析法,警察形象的每一構面之特徵值(Eigan value)為1以上,因素負荷量為0.3以上,顯示該量表確具效度。本研究發現:(一)市民對於警察「機構形象」持最正面的評價,「行為形象」為最負面;「貢獻形象」為最正面,「風紀形象」為最負面。(二)台北市民對於警察形象認知之主要來源為電視、報紙等傳播媒體,親戚朋友轉述亦是其中之一。(三)多數民眾認為警察的角色應該是「執法者」重於「服務者」,亦認為「法」「理」「情」是警察執行勤務時應該遵行的順序。(四)年齡、教育程度與職業類別與警察形象認知最具顯著關係。(五)根據上述調查結果,本研究提出若干行銷策略,以供實務界與學術界參考。


Police image in Taiwan is quite controversial. The aim of this research is to find the answer for the following related questions: How Taipei citizens perceive policy image? What are the sources of perception? How to market positive policy image based on the findings of perception structure.This research focuses on the strategies of image marketing for Taipei Police agency through the quantitative and qualitative methods. The author defines police image as three interrelated dimensions, i.e., institutional, functional, and behavioral image, and then elaborating eight categories, i.e., policy, confidence, contribution, trustworthiness, law-enforcing, service, moral standards, and brand image. Such originality has never been presented before in the police administration academic field. The author also held two focuses groups, participating by 12 undergraduate and graduate students from both Central Police University and National Taipei University, to construct a Police Image Attitude Scale (PIAS).The process to analyze the reliability and validity of PIAS is described below: 30 Taipei citizens are randomly selected to rate the PIAS, showing Cronbach’ Coefficient Alpha of 0.9481, which allows us to proceed the following formal survey. 770 random samples are randomly collected through the CATI system in the Research Center for Public Opinion and Election Studies, National Taipei University. Finally, Crobach’ Coefficient Alpha Reliability of 0.7279 reveals that the PIAS has reached satisfactory level to test the police image. With regard to the validity of the PIAS, the author employs Factor Analysis which shows an eigenvalue larger than 1.0, and a factor loading larger than 0.3 for each dimension of police image.8 Mrs. Shu-hui Wang is working for National Police Administration, the Ministry of Interior. She got the Master degree of Public Administration from Department of Public Administration and Policy, National Taipei University.On the basis of investigating result by the PAIS, the author suggested image marketing strategies. This research concluded that two sets of marketing strategies are systematically described to promote the positive image of police: the institutional aspect of patrol and technical aspect of marketing. The completion of this study not only contributes the creation of the empirical study of PAIS, but also helps police agency to promote policy image.
