
行政暨政策學報 TSSCI

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篇名 「雙首長制」的迷思--突破總統制的侷限與改革趨向
卷期 34、34
並列篇名 The Myth of Dual Executive System:The Limits in the Breakthrough to the Presidential System and the Renovational Tendency
作者 陳志華
頁次 1-34
關鍵字 雙首長制左右共治國會多數內閣制總統制行政權聯合政府Dual executive systemCohabitationParliamentary majorityCabinetal systemPresidential systemThe executive powersCoalition governmentTSSCI
出刊日期 200206


  過去,傳統上我國政府體制被肯認是內閣制的一種型態。惟近年來,則又被稱為「雙首長制」的一類。  從憲法文字規定而論,行政院為國家最高行政機關(憲法第五十三條)。行政院掌握完整的行政權,並對立法院負政治責任。總統雖然在行政上有密切而相關的職權,且直接任命行政院院長,並「經由」國家安全會議、府內任務編組,深刻地影響行政權的運作,畢竟政府體制是內閣制的體質。責任政治與政黨政治充分反映在行政與立法兩院的互動關係。  至於「雙首長制」,其意涵莫衷一是。通常是指法國第五共和已出現三次的「左右共治」政局。然這種政局終究不是法國憲政常態,如今,法國已有加以改正的決心。過去學理上稱法國為「半總統制」國家,應非指「左右共治」而言。從而,我國應否歸類為「雙首長制」國家,並進而思考往總統制方向改革的困難或侷限,才是真正該關注的焦點。


  In the past years, our government are classified in Cabinetal System. But recently it was identified as dual executive system, especially as the cohabitation in the Fifth Republic of France. According to the documentary constitution, the Executive Yuan holds the highest executive status, and responsible to the Legislative Yuan. Through the President acts closely with the Premier, and appointing the Piremier, he is not the head of the Executive department yet. Our government should be classified in one model of Cabinetal System. There are some limits in breakthrough to the Presidential System.In France, the cohabitation"in regarded as abnormal now, either the Presidential System or Cabinetal System is the essential of governmental system. We should clearly spell out what it really is also. Then we can further to reform and develop it.
