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篇名 八八水災災民創傷後反應及其影響因素之探討
卷期 57:3
並列篇名 An Investigation of Post-Traumatic Responses and Related Factors Following the “88 Flood” Disaster
作者 顧艷秋顏芳慧王翠彬錢端蘭
頁次 32-42
關鍵字 八八水災創傷後反應88 floods disasterpost-traumatic responsesMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201006


背 景2009年台灣八八水災重創台灣各地,尤其在高雄及屏東地區造成重大土石流災情,使災民遭受身心及財務上的嚴重損失。
目 的了解八八水災災民創傷後反應,並探討其相關因素。
方 法2009年8月27至9月17日期間進行問卷調查,以方便取樣取得高雄縣六龜鄉取得424位災民,並運用事件衝擊量表作為創傷後反應之測量工具。
結 果八八水災災民在事件衝擊量表平均總得分為29.9,且Horowitz得分分類大於19分以上之嚴重創傷後反應比率高達67.9%;其中又以「1.我會不由自主的想到八八水災事件的種種。」得分最高,而「15.我對八八水災事件的感覺是麻木的。」最低。創傷後反應得分高的危險因子包括:距離88水災天數越近、已婚者、不識字者、以農業維生者、經濟狀況差者。
結 論/實務應用


known as the “88 Flood”. Kaohsiung and Pingtung Counties experienced major landslides that left many victims to deal with the aftereffects of physical, psychological and financial loss.
Purpose: This study was designed to understand the post-traumatic response of 88 Flood disaster victims and related factors.
Methods: Using convenience sampling, we employed an impact event of scale to collect post-traumatic response data from 424 victims resident in Liouguei Township, Kaohsiung County from August 27th to September 17th, 2009.
Results: The average post-traumatic response score was 29.9. Two-thirds (67.9%) of victims still displayed severe post-traumatic response after the flood disaster. The most frequently seen post-traumatic response in this study was I think about it (the flood) when I don’t intend to, and the least frequently was My feelings about it (the flood) are kind
of numb. Risk factors for relatively high post-traumatic response were: relative proximity in time to the date of the flood, married, illiterate, farmer, and low economic status.
Conclusions / Implications: The results of this study may help medical staff identify post-traumatic response at a relatively early stage in order to provide victims of physical and psychological trauma to alleviate post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
