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篇名 同步輻射光束線的特性介紹--生命科學中的應用
卷期 30:6=170
並列篇名 Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines--Properties and Applications in Bioscience
作者 馮學深
頁次 30-38
出刊日期 200906


國家同步輻射研究中心的台灣光源自1993年出光以來,光束線工作能區已由 4–1800 eV 延伸至紅外光區及 33 keV 以上的能區。光束線數目亦由3條增至28條,而使用同步輻射作生命科學研究的用戶亦大幅增長。本文希望透過通俗的文字與圖表,提供非同步輻射光束線專業的研究人員,能對光束線的特性有初步的觀念與了解,並希望能由此增進各研究領域人員使用同步輻射的興趣。


The energy range covered by the beamlines at the TLS (Taiwan Light Source) ring of NSRRC the expanded from a range of 4-1800 eV, provided by the first three beamlines in 1993 when TLS started operation, the a much broader range now covering infrared to hard X-ray up to 33 keV, With 28 beamlines in operation/commission. Users performing experiments on life science research at NSRRC have grown enormously in recent years. This article provides an introduction to the researchers with the basic principles of beamlines using accessible language and figures, with the aim to stimulate interests in a broad audience in various fields of research for synchrotron radiation research.

