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篇名 薄膜式微結構之金屬轉印模具開發
卷期 30:6=170
並列篇名 Development of Membrane-Typed Metal Mould with Microstructures for Imprinting
作者 湯喻翔楊智仲林郁欣胡一君
頁次 77-89
出刊日期 200906




In this paper, we focus on the development of membrane-typed metal mould with microstructures for imprinting. This mould has several benefits including reusable, easy replaceable core, and low cost that strongly improves industrial values in microstructure mass production. Photolithography, electroforming, and grinding techniques have been integrated in order to develop the membrane-typed metal mould in this research. It has been proven that the metal mould of micro pillars could be successfully fabricated. This metal mould was fabricated by precision electroforming technology that Ni-Co alloy was deposited on a photoresist mould, and further peeled off to attach onto a level mould. The hardness, stiffness and toughness of the Ni-Co alloy material core structure were sufficient and strong enough for reusable duration. The durability of this membrane-typed metal mould has been greatly enhanced. Furthermore, by applying roller assisted attaching mechanism, the interface between the mould and Ni-Co alloy core became more inseparable and flat.

