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篇名 同步輻射X光的生醫顯微影像應用
卷期 30:6=170
並列篇名 The Applications of Biomedical Imaging with Synchrotron X-Rays
作者 胡宇光王錚亮劉啟人許倍誠陳琮瑜羅宗男華子恩
頁次 16-29
出刊日期 200906


近年來由於同步輻射光源所產生 X 光的優異性能,X 光顯微成像在解析度、影像對比與品質方面有突破性的進展,X 光成像術是X 光應用最廣的領域。因此同步光源的高空間同調性應用在創新的超高解析度 X 光顯微術時,其結果特別地引人注目。利用小劑量的 X 射線輻射即可獲得高品質的 X 光顯微影像和動態影片。這些技術除了在傳統的材料科學的研究分析外,已經在生物學和醫學研究方面上產生重要的應用,本文將詳細探討全影像式的兩種 X 光顯微技術,並以數個生醫樣品的成像為例,說明 X 光成像的發展與展望。


Radiology is the oldest and by far the largest field of application of X-rays. In recent years, this domain has been literally revolutionized by the exploitation of the unique characteristics of synchrotron sources. The results are particularly spectacular when the high spatial coherence of the radiation is used for novel and powerful approaches the radiology. The results are very high quality microradiology and microtomograhy images and movies-taken with a limited X-ray dose- that find a variety of applications in materials science, biology and medical research.

