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篇名 高解析度超音波影像系統
卷期 30:6=170
並列篇名 High-Resolution Ultrasound Imaging System
作者 陳佳君鍾招宏葉秩光
頁次 61-68
出刊日期 200906




The studies of gene research, cancer therapy and developmental biology have become very important issues in the field of bio-technology. Microcirculation changes occur in many disease states including cancer and diabetes and it is an important index in clinical diagnosis. The main goal of the report is to develop novel ultrasound imaging technologies and apply them to estimate microcirculation. High frequency ultrasound system has been developed for noninvasive imaging of microcirculation such as the skin, the anterior chamber of the, and mouse embryos. More recent improvements include color Doppler and power Doppler imaging modes which allow mapping of blood velocity and power, respectively. At the same time, ultrasound imaging technology has progressed with the development of ultrasound microbubbles contrast agents and with improvements in spatial resolution and dynamic rang. Potential applications of the high-resolution ultrasound imaging include the high-resolution assessment of tumor volumetric blood flow in small animals and the evaluation of the superficial vasculature in clinical studies.

