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篇名 音樂偏好與情緒智力之相關研究--以某大學休閒系一年級學生為例之初探
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 An Exploration of the Correlations between Music Preference and Emotional Intelligence of Freshmen Majoring in Leisure and Recreation Management at a University
作者 李維靈郭世和張利中
頁次 39-47
關鍵字 音樂偏好情緒智力內外控A型性格壓力Music preferenceLocus of controlType-AStressEmotional intelligence
出刊日期 200412




     The purpose of this study was to examine the correlations between music preference and emotional intelligence (EQ). Ninety-five freshmen majoring in Leisure and Recreation Management gave responses to a set of questionnaires including music preference, gender, locus of control, type-A personality, life stress, and emotional intelligence. By using hierarchical analysis, it was found that music preference is a valid predictor of emotional intelligence even after a group of variables including gender, locus of control, type-A personality and stress have been statistically controlled. The present research also identified the issue of multi-dimensionality of music preference, the developmental issue of music preference and emotional intelligence, and the differential impact of music preference on emotional intelligence of college students as the foci of future research. Practical implications for music therapy, music education and an EQ curriculum are discussed.
