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篇名 學習型組織人力資源教育訓練成長模式之研究--以臺灣標竿企業為例
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Growth Model of Education and Training of Human Resources for a Learning Organization: Taiwan-based Benchmarking Enterprises
作者 黃營杉齊德彰
頁次 81-95
關鍵字 學習型組織教育訓練教育訓練成長模式Learning organizationEducation and trainingGrowth model of education and training
出刊日期 200412


     Peter Senge [45] 在「第五項修練」一書中,首先提出學習型組織的概念,引起學術界及企業界的重視,並將之視為企業競爭優勢的泉源。其五項修練為:(1)系統性思考;(2)自我超越;(3)改善心智模式;(4)建立共同願景;(5)團隊學習。台灣企業亦紛紛依此五項修練的原則來建構學習型企業組織,進行組織變革與再造,以迎向知識經濟時代的經營挑戰。


     In his book The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge [45] proffered the concept of a learning organization which appealed to academics and entrepreneurs, who considered it a source of their competitive advantage over their business rivals. The five disciplines refer to systemic thinking, personal mastery, improving mental models, building shared visions and team learning. With the underlying principles of these five disciplines, Taiwan-based enterprises can build their learning organizations and reform and reconstruct their organization in order to enter the era of a knowledge-based economy.
