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篇名 大學新生心理健康及其相關因素探討
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 Correlates of the Mental Health of Freshmen
作者 施建彬
頁次 109-117
關鍵字 心理健康壓力Mental healthStress
出刊日期 200412




     The principal intention of this study was to investigate the correlates of the mental health of freshmen. It was found that their mental health was significantly and positively correlated with extraversion, social support, social interaction and the satisfaction of social relationships. It was also found that their mental health was negatively correlated with stress and neuroticism. This correlation was true in regression analysis, although allowances were made for the effects of neuroticism and the satisfaction of social relationships. Three different indicators of stress were used to predict mental health. Females were more satisfied in social relationships. Males reported higher stress on four different indicators. Students from the School of Engineering reported higher stress, less social interaction and less social support. Students from the School of Art and Design reported poor mental health. Finally, potential implications of the findings for counseling are mentioned.
