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篇名 社會網絡:社會學研究的新取向
卷期 46:1
並列篇名 Social Networks: A New Approach of Sociological Research
作者 蔡毓智
頁次 1-33
關鍵字 社會網絡社會網絡與社會學社會學方法論社會網絡研究Social networksSocial networks and sociologySociological methodologySocial networks studyMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200803



Recently, social networks theory and methods have been applied in social science and become an emerging research apporach of sociology. Starting from the relational perspective, social network methods analyze realtionship patterns among actors and complement the insufficiency of traditional sociology which analyzes attributes of actors. The article delineates the developing context of social networks theory, dicusses the connections between social networks theory and macro/micro sociology, and examines its contributions to sociological methodology. Finally, this article examplify the latest applications and development of social networks theory in sociology researches.
