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篇名 論憲政原則與公民不服從的法理基礎
卷期 45:3
並列篇名 Principles of Constitutionalism and Legality of Civil Disobedience
作者 顧肅
頁次 3-22
關鍵字 憲政法治人治公民不服從ConstitutionalismRule of lawRule of menCivil disobedienceMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200709



Constitutionalism accords with basic principles of the rule of law under democracy. To discuss basic values of constitutionalism, we need clarify essential characters and internal morality of the rule of law, expound fundamental distinctions between constitutionalism and the rule of men, and make distinction between the rule of complying with legal regulations and that of insisting in the spirit of the rule of law. On the other hand, as a special example, civil disobedience seems to violate the rule of law, but essentially is a particular way of insisting in the rule of law.
