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篇名 中國古代「專制」概念述考
卷期 44:4
並列篇名 Ancient Chinese
作者 王文濤
頁次 1-45
關鍵字 專制君主專制人臣專制獨斷AutarchyEmperor autarchyLiegeman autarchyDogmatismMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612




In this article, with the subject of 「autarchy」 defined in modem western political science, back to the language environment of Chinese ancient political & ideology history, we analyzed the example of autarchy in thousands of literatures, in which autarchy should have four meaning, namely, be a law onto oneself, exceed the authority & self-assertion, control & manage, and emperor control regime by himself. The first three meaning apply to the Chinese society before the Opium War, not to the emperor, but to the liegeman, the essential part of liegeman autarchy is the aberrance of autarchy kingship and the return to it. The stability of autarchy, is in accordance with the long-standing and stability of feudalism autarchy system. Autarchy not applying to the emperor, does not mean emperor autarchy system is not existent in ancient China, dogmatism and czar are the common words to describe the ancient China emperor autarchy phenomenon, power dogmatism and judgment of oneself are the power character of the autarchy emperor, and the common perception of ancient China society. The fourth meaning, which is the autarchy of government and regime, is formed after western aggressor breaking the door of China, and emperor and autarchy are more and more closely related. The definition extension and language environment changing of autarchy, reflect the huge change of Chinese political & ideology in latter-day. So, when using the political & ideology concepts bring from western in latter-day, we have to consider the language environment of Chinese ancient political & ideology, the difference of word meaning at all times, and the political meaning which contained in the changing of word.
