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篇名 中國民族原型的解體和重構--梁啟超民族思想探析
卷期 44:4
並列篇名 Reconstruction of the Chinese Nation and the Disintegration of the Prototype--Liang Qi Chao's Nation Thought
作者 梁台根
頁次 45-89
關鍵字 梁啟超民族主義開明專制康德黑格爾Liang Qi ChaoNationalismKaimingzhuanzhiOpen dictatorshipKantHegelMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612



A country facing foreign aggression and internal ethnic conflicts secession crisis, the representative of the patriotic intellectuals as opinion leaders, to the country’s internal unity, Liang Qichao, from different ideological and resources trying to find out the awareness of a national rallying point. Not only the Chinese traditional academic asset review and deconstruction, further break the academic territory, is an effort to promote more suited to a modern democratic society based on social and cultural prosperity of the nation-state prototype Reconstruction. Although Kant and Hegel's thinking, can not fully explain the meaning of Liang Qichao, but through ideological and theoretical understanding of the two of them, it can help us take an in-depth Analysis of the theoretical framework for thinking out of Liang Qichao Even at the time when the revolutionary movement reform intellectuals ran between the very specific proposals, but building a new nation against foreign aggression and Reflection is identical. This China's internal forces and the creation of new nation-state and in-depth understanding of the movement, may give us permission to explore the core issues in contravention of this strong point of reference, that is the basis of the new democratic nation state of internal, how to keep harmony between the different interest groups. In this paper, through the threat of foreign invasion, as the country's own national survival, have to sacrifice personal freedom argument - depth internal discussion. We are currently facing the modem world rampant nationalism, communism, liberalism or the thinking of other major political failures and difficulties, we need to actively seek to resolve it, the past through their liberation forces break through ideological restraints, and constructed a new avenue for settlement, we should look at is not only historical experience, The thinking is quite valuable assets.
