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篇名 雁行理論的研究軌跡:兼為雁行理論駁誤
卷期 44:4
並列篇名 A Delineation of the Research Trajectory of the Flying Geese Theory and Some Responses to Critics
作者 王佳煌
頁次 115-152
關鍵字 雁行理論外人直接投資顯示性比較優勢政治經濟學術審查或同儕審查Flying geese theoryForeign direct investmentFDIRevealed comparative advantageRCAPolitical economyPeer reviewMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612



This research note describes the research the research trajectory of the flying geese theory and refutes the critiques made by some academic reviewers. The paper introduces the classic version of the theory, delineates contemporary studies and debates revolving around the theory, as well as reveals the distortions and biases emerging from the critiques of some Taiwanese academic reviewers. The paper argues that, in Taiwan, the institutional practice of peer review is problematic and needs radical reforms.
