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篇名 大甲鎮地方民俗與文化市鎮治理之研究
卷期 44:4
並列篇名 Local Folklore and Governance of Cultural Town--A Case Study of Dajia
作者 陳琳淳
頁次 153-234
關鍵字 地方民俗文化市鎮地方治理社會網絡社會資本大甲媽祖Local folkloreCultural townLocal governanceSocial networkSocial capitalDajia MatsuMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200612




Local folklore not only contains the meaning of deep humanity and philosophy but also shows the historical memory of Taiwan and the track
of local development. In the past, the researches of Matsu belief made by
anthropologists were divided into three parts; one was about Matsu
legend and the researches of scriptures and ceremonies. Another part was
Matsu belief and social group action, and the other part was the rest about Matsu. For local development, temples are important resources, but there are not enough researches about temple development. However, the scholar Hsing starts to handle these issues in the recent years, but his
researches are about how to plan instead of the process of the interaction between temples, local folklore and local development.
My topic is about the relationship between local folklore and the
governance of the cultural town, and I take Dajia for example here. I
discuss the relationship between Matsu belief, local development in Dajia, and the influence of Jenlan Gong by the research in Jenlan Gong. I define that the town which grows by following the local folklore and is
developed vitally is called cultural town and however, the developed process of the cultural town including the condition of the interaction
between institution and organization is the most important, and the
constructive level is necessary to be discussed.
The side of the research is focus on the relationship between space,
governance and social network of the developed process of Dajia, and I
discuss the local network through the governance theory and detect the
interaction between the inner mobilization, the institution, the governance and also inspect the influence for med because of the social capital of Dajia. At last, back to the most basic problem-the argue of the space of the square of the temple of Dajia Jenlan Gong, we can develop and improve it by following the advice coming form the urban planning and expect it truly can be called “central cultural town” and become the example of the development of the cultural town in Taiwan.
