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篇名 文教與社會力:敬字亭與客家社會意象的建構
卷期 43:2
並列篇名 Culture and Society: Jing-Zi Ting(敬字亭) and the Constructions of Social Image of Hakka
作者 傅寶玉
頁次 77-118
關鍵字 敬字亭惜字崇文文化符號集體記憶公眾場域社會建構Xi-zi惜字Culture schemaCollective memoryPublic sphereSocial construction cherish written charactersJing-zi tingMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 200506



In Hakka society we always get the impression that the Hakka people are inclined to emphasis the aspect of their education in order to differentiate themselves from others. But in what context is this discourse put forward. This paper deals with the formation of the culture schema of Hakka society by focusing on the jing-zi ting(敬字亭) and related cultural phenomenon. The paper will also take the so-called collective memory approach to explain the continuity and transformation of the culture schema of Hakka society in the modem construction of Hakka ethnicity. This paper argues that jing-zi ting(敬字亭)as a cultural symbol, there seems to exist the following intellectual trend from ancient to modem times in the Hakka society: 1、the memory of cultural tradition is represented and transformed into the modem announcement of knowledge, 2、the memory of social interactive integration has been practiced to develop the community sentiment and ethnic cohesion. At the same time, by the continual operations of the culture schema, jing-zi ting(敬字亭) as a signature of knowledge and community has become a medium by which the Hakka society may present their social representation and achieve their ethnic subjectivity. The purpose of this paper is to understand the process of modem Hakka social constructions through the case study of the involvement between jing-zi ting(敬字亭) and Hakka society
